Monday 9 January 2017


The changing shapes of the moon on a regular basis is due to the effects of the sun's light.The part of the moon that faces the sun, gets lighted up.Since the moon orbits the earth,this portion of receiving light from the sun changes.When the moon is exactly in between the sun and the earth,the part of the moon we see looks completely dark.After some time when the moon changes its position,we find some portion of the moon lighted up by the sun and can see easily.When some more portion of the moon is lighted by the sun,we see different size of the moon from the earth.In this way the process gets repeated.

That's why we see different sizes of the moon moment after moment.Also this graduall process is continuous.Due to the above reasons,we find different light and sizes of the moon on different ocassions.

Tarbej Ansari

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