Sunday 22 January 2017

Lives on other planets

So far we know that lives are possible only on the earth.As the earth conditions are suitable  for lives of living organisms,various species of animals including birds ,insects,...and so on are found on the earth.On the earth there is sufficient amount of water along with some gases like- oxygen,carbondioxide,nitrogen etc are readily available for living organisms.Also the most important thing that is vegetations-plants,trees,forests,small plants etc are there serving us constantly.

Humans  are very greedy and strange.They know the reality that lives are limited and one day they will die,but still they find the ways in which they can live longer and maintain more comfortable lives.These purposes have led them even outside the earth in serch of lives.For lives to be possible on other planets,a few candidates hold firm feet.The major candidates are the moons of the Saturn and the Jupiter.
Europa is a moon of the Jupiter which is supposed to be suitable for lives of living organisms.At first scientists believed that the planet Mars is the best option for lives of living organisms,but later on it distressed them due to some lack that may cause failure of lives.The greatest attention is led towards the moon of Jupiter-Europa now-a-days by scientists.It is said that there is availability of water in the form of ice-cover. Other features reqired for lives are also there.
The next candidate which attracts the attention of scientists to be suitable for lives is Titan-the moon of the planet Saturn.Still a lot of research is going on to confirm lives on it.Like Europa,the necessary features required for lives is supposed to be available here.
Despite of all these researches,technologies,studies;lives are still not confirmed on these places.So,we can say by now our earth is the best place for lives to sustain.

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