Tuesday 10 January 2017


It was the time on 12th April 1961,when using the spacecraft Vostok-1,Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin became the first man to travel into space.He was accompanied by a 27 years old test pilot and industrial technician.The Vostok-1 was orbitting the earth at 187 miles
 of altitude.During it Gagarin statement was-"Flight is proceeding normally.I am well."The time duration was 1 hour and 48 minutes.
After his historical journey of space,he became popular like a celebrity.He was rewarded and given the title of  "Hero of the Soviet Union".Roads were renamed in his honor.They were named according to his name.
It challenged the U.S. as they scheduled to launch the first space flight on in May 1961. The Soviet Union space program was in lead by Gagarin as compared to U.S. space program. Gagarin had already orbitted the earth when U.S. started its space program by astronaut John Glenn who made three orbit of earth in "Friendship7".By that time Soviet Union advanced their space race in August 1961 by sending cosmonaut Ghermon Titov by Vostok-2 who made 17 orbits of the earth and spent a time more than 25 hours in space.

Tarbej Ansri

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