Friday 13 January 2017

How to save energy?

We know very well that resources available on the earth are limited.Ultimately they will finish,so that it is necessary for us to save energy and find such sources of  energy that will last for a long time.If we become successful in doing so,we will lead a royal and comfortable life.Following methods will help you in our purpose-
1.Use of solar energy.
2.Use of tidal energy.
3.Use of wind energy.
4.Use of hudroelectricity.
5.Recycling of metals and other substances.
6.Use of artificial matter instead of natural.
7.Use of cow dung to produce energy.
8.Use of garbage materials to produce energy and other purposes.
7.Less use of minerals.
9.Less use of petrol,diesel,................
10.Less use of vehicles for going to nearby places.
11.Use of natural sources of energy by scientific methods.
12.Use of solar vehicles and cycles.

Tarbej Ansari

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