Tuesday 27 December 2016


We know how precious water is for us!At some places there is huge water content while at other places there is no even a drop of water.One thing is noticeable that how much water we use or waste,it is always constant on the earth,but we suffer a lot for scarcity of water.

The water present in water bodies like-pond,lake,sea,ocean,well,marshy area,waterfall,........,gets evaporated and raise towards the sky,After gaining a suffient height,these vapours temperature lowers down and changes into the form of clouds.After a lot of clouds have been gathered in the sky,they start colliding with each-other and that clouds again come on the ground of earth in the form of rain.Again these water are get deposited in river,sea,ocean,pond,well,waterfall,depressed land and as ground water.So,there is a constant flow of water.The constant flow of water is callled "WATER CYCLE".

"We have got a huge amount of  water for our uses,but do you know there are some places where people even do not get a drop of water.They use drain water.So,don't waste water and save it for there is somenone who need it."

                                                                                                  Tarbej Ansari

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