Saturday 31 December 2016

The one and only Maglev train!

Maglev train:The maglev train does not run on railway tracks as usually we see.It is based on the  principle of magnetism.There is a special guideway or path along which it floats.It floats over it maintaining a gap of 4 inches over it.It is frictionless so that it easily floats and gain a remarkable speed in the field of transportation.The Japanese Maglev train has set the record as the fastest train of the world attaining a highest speed of 603 km/hr.

                                                              Tarbej Ansari

Friday 30 December 2016

Be smarter rather than foolish!.

                                                        My neighbour choice

What a beautiful environment!

                            My choice to greenify the earth!

What is your choice :first one or second one?
Please comment!
"Don't be foolish and  do the same thing as my neighbour did?"

                                                                    Tarbej Ansari

Thursday 29 December 2016

Why silver chocolate wrappers are used?

Often you might have found that chocolates are wrapped in foils.The foils may be of aluminium,silver and so on.These wrappers are used because-

*They are very thin and get easily fitted around the chocolate.
*The cost is vey low.
*They act as a barrier for moisture.
*They maintain the standard and quality of  the product.
*They keep the product fresh and clean.

                                                                 Tarbej Ansari

Wednesday 28 December 2016

The remarkable benefits of BLUE BERRIES

Blue berries are a good source of antioxidants and contain vitamiin C and vitamin K along with fibre.
Besides,blue berries contain a huge amount of gallic acid which helps our brain to improve itself. It also protect our brain from degeneration and stress or mental presser.So,don't waste your time and start taking blue berries.
                                                                      Tarbej Ansari

Tuesday 27 December 2016


We know how precious water is for us!At some places there is huge water content while at other places there is no even a drop of water.One thing is noticeable that how much water we use or waste,it is always constant on the earth,but we suffer a lot for scarcity of water.

The water present in water bodies like-pond,lake,sea,ocean,well,marshy area,waterfall,........,gets evaporated and raise towards the sky,After gaining a suffient height,these vapours temperature lowers down and changes into the form of clouds.After a lot of clouds have been gathered in the sky,they start colliding with each-other and that clouds again come on the ground of earth in the form of rain.Again these water are get deposited in river,sea,ocean,pond,well,waterfall,depressed land and as ground water.So,there is a constant flow of water.The constant flow of water is callled "WATER CYCLE".

"We have got a huge amount of  water for our uses,but do you know there are some places where people even do not get a drop of water.They use drain water.So,don't waste water and save it for there is somenone who need it."

                                                                                                  Tarbej Ansari

Monday 26 December 2016


SCIENCEMENIA: HAPPY NEW YEAR: Hello friends! I am Tarbej Ansari.As you know new year is very near,so what is your planning for it? Whatever it may be,but don&#3...


Hello friends! I am Tarbej Ansari.As you know new year is very near,so what is your planning for it?
Whatever it may be,but don't forget  your aim and     responsibilities.Respect and fulfill your parents wish.Make them happy atleast on the ocassion of new year.Leave your all work and spend your time with your parents.Don't engage in any thing that you should not do and perform noble deeds.Also help poors and let them also celebrate new year.So,please help them with money.

Thank you vey much

                                                        Tarbej Ansari

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Two friends:Human and tree

   Human:Selfish                                                                                Tree:Selfless

Tree said to human:

I gave you fruit,you enjoyed.
I gave you wood,you made palace.
I gave you vegetables,you ate with a lot of interest.
I gave you medicine,you recover yuor health.
I gave you shade,you get protected from diverse weather.
I provided you with cloth,you looked clean,tidy and good.
I gave you life in the form of oxygen,you lived safely.
I clean your environment,you became happy.

 What did you give me in return?

Human said to tree:

I cut your  trunk for furniture.
I broke your branches and used your leaves in need.
I made you orphan.
I gave you pain.
I exploit you.
I made you helpless.
I burn your leaves and twigs.
I destroy your house(forest).
I used you until your death.
I destroy your lives. 

Tree asked human:Why?

Human said to tree:I am selfish.

  "If you want to survive on the earth then plant trees as more as possible and take care of them."
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tarbej Ansari

Tuesday 20 December 2016

The goddess cow

In terms of health benefits of cows:It is a major source of milk which contain numerous health benefits hidden inside it.Its milk has high content of calcium and essential minerals which increases bone density.Apart from these its milk is rich in protein and are  required in strenghening the teeth.

Its fat also has a great use.Its skin are used in tannery or in making in leather goods.Its dung also used as fuel and in biogas plants.You can say the samll body of a cow has thousands of uses hidden.

                                                                                                   Tarbej Ansari

Monday 19 December 2016

The faithful dog

                         The faithful dogs-humans' best friend.

How do the dogs are our intimate friends?

They are because-
1.They accompany us when we are alone.
2.They watch our home and protect  it from our enemies and thieves.
3.They can help police in criminal cases.
4.They entertain us.
5.They keep other animals like-cow,goat,etc away from the the home gardens and small plants.
                                                                                 Tarbej Ansari

Saturday 17 December 2016

The flying features of aerial animals.

Why do only some specific creatures like -birds,bat etc among the others are able to fly?
The flying features of birds like creatures are-
1.Hollow light bone.
2.Boat shaped body.
3.Presence of pointed parts.
4.Low weight.

The 24 carat gold-Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a small plants,but hundreds of remedies are hidden inside it.When it comes the matter of curing the skin remedies "Aloe vera" is over all.

"The 24 Carat gold -Aloe vera medicine"

1.It is very effective in treating skin burn when used externally.
2.A best choice for the remedy of sun-burns is aloe vera.

It is also a good medicine for curing the skin diseases like-

"So,please as soon as possible you start planting aloe vera and take care of it.It matters a lot for us that how we can protect,take care and save not only aloe vera but also other medicinal plants which we can use in our need instead of using synthetic medicines."

                                                                     Tarbej Ansari 

Friday 16 December 2016

The remarkable features of tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidant benefits.In case of conventional antioxidants,tomatoes give an excellent amount of vitamin C and beta-carotene,mineral manganese and is a good source of vitamin E.

In case of phytonutrients, tomatoes are better choice and provide:

1.esculeoside A                                          Flavonols
 Fatty acid derivatives                 Hydroxycinnamic acids
 1.9-oxo-octadecadienoic acid     1.caffeic acid
Tarbej Ansari
                                                      2,ferulic acid
                                                      3.coumaric acid


Thursday 15 December 2016

Vegetarian food vs Non-vegetarian food

Food is our basic need.We need a lot of varieties of food including vegetarian and non-vegetarian food.Somehow some foods  play a major role in our  health while some are meant only for taste and provide us low nutrition.

The type of foods only used for taste and remove our hunger temporarily which do not give us more nutrition are called junk food,like-chomming, pizza, burgor, patriz etc.

Also some foods are easily and quickly available for us which belong to the same category,not giving more nutrition are called snakes ,like-chips,biscuits,aalu chop,singhara etc.

We are familiar with non-vegetarian food.It is not only tasty but  also provide us major nutrients,like-protein,fat,carbohydrates and so on.Such examples are chicken,beef,mutton,egg......

Now the best foods we can go for are vegetarian foods,mostly green vegetables and fruits.One can find that the vegetarian foods are not always tasty,but they are the best foods for us.An experiment shows that vegetarian foods are rich in minerals,carbohydrates,protein,roughage etc.
It is also a good source of balanced diet which provides us the neccessary nutritions required for our body growth and develpment of our brain.

                                            "So,what are you waiting for ,go green and greenify our environment."
                                                                                             Tarbej Ansari

Our solar system

What is a solar system?How is it formed? These questions may occur in minds of young children who has just entered the field of Science and Universe.
So,let me expain:

  1. The sun is our head member or you can say father of some specific planets,like-Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune arranged in the order of increasing distances from the sun.These group including the Sun constitute "The Solar System".
  2. At first the planet,"Pluto",was a member of this solar system.Later scientists categorized it as "Dwarf Planet" and it was excluded from the title planet even from being a part of our solar system.                                                                                                                                   Tarbej Ansari

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Why the sky looks blue?

Out of all the colours of the sun the wavelength of the blue colour is shorter than the wavelength of red colour.Consequently the molecules of the air and other gases scatter the blue colour in all direction than that of red light and our sky looks blue in colour.
Tarbej Ansari

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Why do plants shed their leaves?

Plants are quite unable to escape from adverse condition like other animals.During hot weather there is a huge loss of water which can even lead to the death of plants or trees or crops through transpiration.So,for their survival purpose they shed their leaves so that there is no problem of water loss through transpiration as it occurs mainly from leaves' surfaces and their lives are also saved.
Trabej Ansari